Thirty F*cking Nine: Happy Birthday To ME!
Happy birthday to all my fellow Aquarians and Happy birthday to me! Last week I turned 39. (I know right, I’m too young to be this old.) I had thought entering the final year of my thirties might spur some kind of blues, or existential dread, or at minimum a rush of anxiety over the time passing. This was what I felt entering the final year of my twenties, a decade ago. At 29, unmet goals taunted me, my life remained un-figured out. There’s no denying that unmet goals still taunt me at 39—many of them the same precious dreams I’ve always had. But instead of anxiety, or dread, or even the birthday blues, which I’m prone to, I was able to welcome my 39th birthday feeling content, happy, and really freaking grateful.
11 Things You NEED in Your Winter Suitcase (Flight Attendant Approved)
I’m going to let you in on a little secret that might surprise you. I HATE packing. Truly. That’s right, despite being a flight attendant for ELEVEN years now, despite having to constantly pack, unpack, and repack my suitcase, and getting pretty darn good at it, I still find the task very annoying. The thing that makes packing slightly less terrible is having a routine. Ask any flight attendant what’s in their bag and they will tell you: The same stuff that was in their bag last week, and the week before that,
Listen Up! 10 Best Podcasts To Binge Right Now.
Whether it is packing my suitcase, flying back and forth across the country, or walking in sub-freezing temperatures to my crashpad in Boston, I almost always have something playing in my ears. Last post was a book roundup, which included some of my favorite audiobook listens of the year, and I’m following it up with my other audio recommendations. Here are some of my favorite podcasts.
How Chaotic is Flight Attendant Life? I’ll Tell You.
Earlier this week, I experienced my most chaotic 48 hours of flight attendant life in recent memory. It’s not my worst story, by far, but it was a great example of the wild world of working as a flight attendant (and living as Toni.) It was a sleep-deprived, planning-on-the-go, tornado of chaos, and I’m here to share it with you. Anxious people beware, this one’s a doozey. Leggo!