A Kick-Ass Girls’ Weekend in Colorado: Happy Birthday To Me
Reading glasses anyone? I had my 37th birthday last week, on January 27. The day before my birthday, I hopped a flight for a long weekend in Colorado to celebrate with my oldest and best friend. I knew I’d have
Feelings are Liars: Beating The Birthday Blues
TW: Feelings. On January 27th, I had my 37th birthday. And I had some…feelings…about it. Those of you who know me will know how much I hate having feelings. So I’m calling them out here and now: Feelings are liars. Yep,
A Pants-Shitting Big Goal: Training for an Ultramarathon
New Year’s Eve has come and gone, and though many of you will have broken your big resolution by now, January is still a great time for reflecting, for getting your ducks in a row, and for thinking about big
How To Get Along With People When Their Opinions Suck
How do you get along with people who have different views? Don’t ask me, I wouldn’t know. I’m back from my end-of-year hiatus, and as much as I’d love to share some super inspiring New Year New Me content, that is not
Top Gifts for Travelers| 2022 Gift Guide
Happy Thanksgiving Americans! (Happy Thursday, rest of the world.) The holiday season is upon us, and you all know what that means… Consumerism! Today’s post is for all of you searching for that perfect gift for the traveler in your
Top 6 Camino Lessons (Worth Taking Into Real Life)
I’m back, baby! On November 5, after nearly two months abroad, I flew home to the States. This officially-officially marks the end of my Camino de Santiago and the beginning of the readjustment to “real life.” Since I’m fresh off
The End(?) of The Camino de Santiago
I arrived in Santiago de Compostela, the official end of the Camino de Santiago, on October 19. So, I guess I’m done…? Seven days later I’m still trying to figure out where the end is and what it means.
Camino Week 4: The Love Bubble
Help, I’m in a love bubble and I can’t get out. It’s day 28 on the Camino de Santiago, and a lot has changed. For one thing, the thick, viscous time I wrote about in the last post has shifted,
Camino Reflections: Time, Connection, & Being Human
Hello everybody from Rabé de Calzadas, España. I’m posting this from a picnic table in front of the Albergue I’ll be sleeping in tonight, but It was written in Burgos during my extended (amazing, luxurious) stay there. In this post
Wading Through the Pre-Trip Blues
I will have been on the Camino de Santiago for over a week by the time this post is published. It´s been really awesome so far, but I’m not quite ready to tell you all about the Camino yet. First I