Holiday Travel Tips: DO’s and DON’Ts for 2020
It’s about that time. The lights are up, the sales are on, and Netflix is chock-full of cheesy, comforting Christmas-movie goodness. Many of you will want to travel this holiday season, despite being in the midst of a global pandemic.
Find the PERFECT gift for your favorite frequent flyer
Got a frequent flyer in your life? Wondering what to get your favorite flight attendant or pilot this holiday season? Well, look no further! This high-flying gift guide has wrapped up the best gifts to get for the flight attendant,
What This Flight Attendant is Thankful For
We're talking gratitude. Giving thanks, on behalf of all Flight Attendants, to the BEST passengers. And things I'm grateful for personally, as a flight attendant working in these uncertain times, and as a regular human living in these uncertain times.
7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming a Flight Attendant
Something happened on my redeye flight from LA to Fort Lauderdale the other night that has me thinking about flight attendant life, external pressures, and assumptions. A young man came to the back galley, presumably to hit on me. He
Quick Trip to Seattle- #LayoverLife is not Dead
Things are different, with curfews, restaurant rules and social distancing guidelines to manage, but there is still fun to be had if you know where to look. I recently had two long Seattle layovers that proved that #layoverlife is not
Girls’ Trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico
A little sun never hurt anyone. And it certainly helps with pre-election jitters. Read on to hear more about our girls’ trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico: Where we stayed, what we ate did, and the precautions taken to ensure
Dia de los Muertos is NOT cancelled.
Dia de los Muertos, the day of the dead, is one of the most significant of Mexican holidays and one I’m so grateful to have been in attendance for in 2019. This year, amid COVID cautions, the celebrations will look
Challenges, Missed Deadlines, & National Novel Writing Month
Last week I took a breather and missed my deadline. I post on Thursdays around here. This deadline, one post each week, on Thursday, has helped me to stay on track, consistent, accountable. Before, when I was writing and posting
So, How’s Work? 10 Ways Flying has Changed since the Pandemic
As a full-time flight attendant flying through the pandemic, I’ve been getting a lot of questions. How is work going for you? Do you feel safe? Is your job safe? How are people behaving? What is it like being on
What I’m Reading—COVID Edition
Books and airplanes, reading and vacations, they go together like peanut butter and jelly. Although admittedly, I don’t read as much as I’d like to, I’ve been getting back into it and remembering just how much I love reading.