How To Spend A Rainy Rhode Island Weekend With Your Bestie
There is nothing like girl time with your bestie. Time to kick back, let your hair down, talk a little shit, and laugh all the belly laughs. I was thrilled to have my best friend coming to stay with me
How to Support Indigenous People While Traveling
The Fourth of July has just passed—America’s Independence Day. And while I love a good BBQ Summer holiday, this particular one brings conflicting emotion. As a country, we are finally gaining greater awareness of the atrocities committed in the “discovery”
Why Are Flight Attendants So Cranky? Here are 40 Good Reasons.
Ahhh Summer travel is upon us. And that means cranky flight attendants. We are all glad to be getting back to normal life (glad-ish in my case), but summer travel can present some special challenges for flight attendants. Far from
So, You’re Scared to Fly? Top 7 Tips to Beat Your Fear of Flying.
So, you’re scared to fly. A lot of people are afraid of flying. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. As a matter of fact, according to experts, between 33-40% of the population has some fear of flying. Only about 2.5-5%
So You Want to Fly for Free: A Comprehensive Guide to Non-Rev Travel
People often ask me for “insider tips” of scoring the best fare for a flight. I hate to disappoint, but I haven’t purchased airfare in more than seven years. It turns out, I’m the LAST person to ask about plane
TOP 5 Things This Flight Attendant Will Miss About the Pandemic
I had an out-of-state visitor this weekend in tiny Rhode Island. The food was good, the views were good, the company was great, but one thing struck me as odd. In all the restaurants we visited, masks were optional. I
Pride in the Back Galley: The ‘Other’ Gay Flight Attendant
June is Pride month, and you know what that means—corporate America vomiting rainbow gear and #loveislove ads for thirty days. And if my shampoo can pander to me via free rainbow hair ties, then I can certainly get in on
My Flight Attendant Origin Story
I’m asked often and in varied ways how and why I became a flight attendant. “How did you get into the airlines?” “What made you decide to do this?” “Did you always want to be a flight attendant?” I decided to answer these
Pros & Cons of Dating a Coworker: Aviation Edition
I must have love on the brain, because here we are, another Thursday and another post about dating. Last week I told you guys the DOs and DON’Ts of Dating a Flight Attendant. This week we are tackling a topic
The DOs and DON’Ts of Dating a Flight Attendant
Between the vaccine rollout and the weather warming up, I think we are all ready for some Summer lovin’. Married people: Buzz off, this one’s not for you. Some of you may be intrigued by the prospect of dating a