I Need to Talk About Abortion.
I’m not talking about travel or flight attendant life today. In thinking about what I wanted to write this week everything fell short. After the leaked draft of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, dismantling 50 years
Announcement: Big Changes Coming to the Blog
Today’s post is going to be short and sweet. And with the cold/allergies I’m suffering from, short and sweet is about all I can handle. Today’s post is not even really a post, so much as it is an announcement.
It’s Complicated: A Flight Attendant’s Mixed Feelings On Masks
In case you’ve been living under a rock somewhere and hadn’t heard, on Monday, April 18 the federal mask mandate requiring passengers to wear face coverings in airports and airplanes was removed. Members of the flying public and airline staff
Imposter Syndrome Strikes Again: What, Why, & How to Fight It
Last week I told you all about volunteering at the ultramarathon in Raleigh—how much fun it was, how I got wrapped up in the strong sense of community, and how it left me itching to set a new big running
100 Miles of Fun: What I learned Volunteering at an Ultramarathon
What kind of person decides to go out and run ONE HUNDRED continuous miles? I got to find out last weekend when I volunteered at the Umstead 100-Mile Endurance Run, an ultramarathon in Raleigh, North Carolina. From 6am Saturday until
Podcast Roundup: Top 10 Pods I’m Obsessed With Right Now
My friends will think this is a hilarious topic to post about since at least once per month I hit them with the text: “Pod recs?” It has become my version of “U up?” and might come after days or more
Toni’s Top 9 Layovers of All Time
Layover Life, amirite? Perhaps because last week’s post about Flight Attendants’ Fight for Fair Pay was so heady and distressing (even for someone in the biz), this week I wanted to keep it light. Today I’m celebrating one of the
Pay Me for Boarding: Why Flight Attendants Must Fight For Fair Pay
Did you know that flight attendants don’t get paid for boarding? Sounds crazy right? But it’s true. One public awareness campaign and a lot of flight attendants are trying to change this now. Will they be able to succeed in
Do Flight Attendants Ever Get Scared of Flying?
Every one of us could probably name someone in our lives who is afraid of flying. Many of you reading this might be. And this line of conversation comes up a lot when I talk to people about my job
More than Coke & Pretzels: 8 Real Jobs Flight Attendants Are Trained To Do
You’ve probably heard me, or maybe another flight attendant, say that our job is not serving pretzels and peanuts, but is that of a safety professional. You might have rolled your eyes, and to be fair some of my coworkers